Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Super Nanny Lauren

In the last ten days, Lauren has spent quality time with 18 kids! She has gone to baseball games, the pool, played "castle", "hotel", given kids baths, painted nails, made shrinky dinks, done crafts, taught them about Jesus, made lots of snacks, and put kids to bed. She has broken up fights, comforted the "out-of-sorts", and has even taken Micah shopping, to a party, home from church and youth group, and has even taken care of Dan's dog - and even Dan! As you can see, Lauren loves kids, has a heart to nurture, and the kids follow her like the Pied Piper! It's too bad we live so far away from everyone. Lauren would be a great babysitter for you.
Four of our favorite PK's - the Deal kids. Lauren even gave them tattoos which they proudly showed me at church on Sunday.
Lauren and Stacie teach the two year olds for the first service on Sundays. This week they had 5 girls and 3 boys - all so cute!!!
This is the oldest of the girls Lauren is watching this summer - Kayla.
Abbi is the youngest.
This was her first dive during swimming lessons.
Lauren and Josh at a ball game. Notice the gap in his smile.
Jacob, Josh's brother, is getting ready to bat. Lauren even takes great pictures of the kids. I guess she has learned something from me!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Police Academy Graduate

Nathaniel stuck it out for 6 long months of non-stop school! He is now an official Sinclair Community College Police Academy graduate! He graduated last Wednesday and the Dayton Chief of Police was the keynote speaker. We were very proud parents. Nathaniel has accomplished a lot these last two years and this was definitely a reason to celebrate.

You may recognize Travis, Nathaniel's best man at his wedding. Nathaniel and Travis will be working together as police officers in Lebanon, Ohio. Travis was the representative of Lebanon at his graduation. They've come a long way from being mall security (where, incidentally, their boss told them that they would never amount to anything - especially being policemen.) I think they had a little too much fun on the job! They are considering paying her a visit in their uniforms just to prove their point.
Kim, a very supportive wife is standing by her man.
Kim's parents came down for the celebration. Merritt especially made the sacrifice because he is very busy now and we appreciate him taking the time to come.
It's hard to believe that he went from playing policeman to being one!
This is Dustin, a former Marine, who became a very good friend during the academy. They used their military skills to try and kill each other during their physical fitness tests! They both won the physical fitness gold medals! Nathaniel also won the President's Physical Fitness tests in the 1st and 3rd grades - needless to say he likes to exercise.