Tuesday, January 1, 2008

December Pix

Merry Christmas from the Trout family! I'm posting this blog on January 1st - I'm a little late because of Greg's unexpected surgery. The entry is long but I think I'm finally caught up. I promise not to wait so long between posts! Anyway, our prayer for all of you is that 2008 brings about a lot of chances to share the light of Christ. Greg has been encouraging our congregation to be looking for opportunities to make a difference in someone's life, so we hope you will also have those opportunities.
Greg makes breakfast on Christmas morning - his famous French toast. This year we finally got an electric griddle which cut his cooking time down considerably. Incidentally, I believe this is the last picture of Greg where he still has his gall bladder. The very next day he had his attack - I'm thinking his French toast put him over the edge!
Micah got an I-home for his I-pod which comes with an alarm. I sure hope this works for getting him up in the morning. Nothing else seems to make him want to move.
He's worse than Nathaniel.

On Christmas Eve we open one present. I got to go before the kids this year! (I really just put this picture in because I wanted you to see my new blouse! Isn't it pretty?)
I think Kim was worried about Nathaniel's ability to buy the right presents. After she had opened a couple of boxes she said, "Nathaniel, you really do listen!" It was pretty funny. In this picture, he had wrapped up a pair of boots in separate boxes. He wanted her to think she got a lot of loot!
Greg got a Marshall helmet for his desk in his office. His office is becoming quite
the showplace for Marshall paraphernalia!

Lauren's favorite present - the complete set of Harry Potter DVD's. She would have
been very disappointed if Santa hadn't come through on that.

Micah and I both got each other the books we wanted. Greg wouldn't buy it for me because of the title. He didn't want to take the chance that I would ever use that against him!
Micah is ready to go out on the town to the Winter Dance for Muse Machine (the organization that is producing "Peter Pan") Excuse his red eyes - my fault.
The following pix are from our staff/elder Christmas party. We had loads of fun eating, playing reverse charades, and even cleaning up. Yes, guys can wash dishes! We serve with a great group of people. We are blessed at FairCreek and can't wait to see what God is going to do in 2008.
Sandy (the one standing) was my marathon walking partner. Her husband, Matt,
serves on the Finance and Building Teams as well as being a former elder.

Clint is our youth pastor.

Steve and Colleen Thorsen - Steve has a great cancer survivor testimony.
They are fun to be around.

Mark and Paula Kordic are such a sweet couple. Mark also has a great
cancer survivor testimony.

Pastor, Clown, Santa - Greg wears a lot of different hats! I think this one is my favorite.
Merry Christmas from the "Little FairCreek PK's"!!
We made a mess baking, but it was fun! It's been awhile since I had little kids in my
kitchen and now I remember why! I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Lauren is great with the kids. She fixed her work schedule so she could bake with them.
They all run up to her at church - it's really cute.

Kenzie couldn't wait for her turn!
Eli was our only boy baker. He did a great job!
Jessica may be the youngest, but she was not about to be left out. Miss Lauren - her teacher - helped her.
Abbi, Alanna, and Jenna were taking turns rolling out the dough for gingerbread men.
Our December was quite busy - hence the reason for so long of an update. We started with the PK's coming over to bake cookies! We had so much fun. I think they ate as much as they decorated, but there were no reports of any tummy aches - amazing! We love you guys. Can't wait to do it again.