I have added three new links that I think you may be interested in seeing. Jennifer (Greg's niece) has started one and now we get to see a lot more of Ben and Anna Kate - aka- ring bearer and flower girl at the Trout wedding. Beverly has also joined the ranks and now we can keep up with the other five kids! Mitch and Shelley (our friends from Florida) have a daughter, Rebecca, and we have enjoyed watching her two children grow up. Rebecca worked for Greg one summer and we love keeping in touch via pictures. I thought you might want to see them - they are really cute. Anyway, I have more wedding pictures to post this weekend plus pictures from Micah's spring musical, GREASE. My burner quit working so I can't view pictures from a CD on my computer. I have to use Lauren's laptop and she usually has it with her. As soon as I get a chance, I'll add pictures. Anyway, happy viewing. Now all we need to do is convince Darlene and Kelli to join the club. What are our chances?